6848131 Harry Charles Mullam B.E.M. passed away on Monday 29th March. His funeral has been arranged at West Norwood Crematorium, Norwood Road, London SE27 9JU on Wednesday 14th April at 15.30hrs. Harry joined the 60th on the 15th of January 1940 and served in the Western Desert, North Africa and Italy. In 1947 he was honoured with the British Empire Medal. After the war he became a Carpenter and Joiner and in the 1980's was the Clerk of Works responsible for the Thames Barrier project. Harry had no children and his wife Violet passed away in the 1980's. If any member's are able to attend the funeral they will be most welcome.
I am Tony Mullan. I am the Grandson of Arthur Frederick Mullan, the eldest Brother to your Grandmother and Uncle Harry. My Father is Fred, Arthur's second Son. I believe that I am something like, 3rd Cousin to you. Me and my Dad never even new that Uncle Harry existed, as my Grandfather never mentioned him to my Dad and his siblings. We had to find out about Uncle Harry from Title Research. Uncle Harry sounds like he was a really good man. It's a shame the decendants of Arthur never got the chance to meet him.