I regret to inform you of the death of Tony Jarrey on Saturday.
Tony joined the Band of The Rifle Brigade either in the very late 50s or the early 60s. I believe that he may have joined as a boy soldier. He served with them until 1971 when he was posted to The Royal Military School of Music as a Student Bandmaster. He successfully completed his Bandmasters course in 1973 and in January 1974 was appointed as Bandmaster of the Gloucestershire Regiment. After his retirement from the Army he lived in Spain and latterly in Mielan in France where he passed away on Saturday.
I was informed of his death yesterday by a mutual friend.
Don Donaldson
Bandmaster RGJ 1975 1982
Peter Smith
RE: Death of (Tony) A M Jarrey RB 3GJ 3RGJ - BM Gloucestershire Regiment
Sorry to hear this sad news regarding Tony, he joined us on boy service in 1958 at Winchester he worked hard and as mentioned became the Bandmaster of the Gloucestershire Regiment. He will be missed by all that knew him. My condolences to his family.
Please find below the details passed to on from the Rifles Gloucester Office. Any further enquiries please address to the the Rifles Gloucester Office (gloucester@the-rifles.co.uk).
Herewith is the funeral notice published in the local paper, he lived in the South West of France in the Gers,
Castelfranc commune d'Estampes Mme Hilary JARREY, son épouse ; MM. Christopher, Michael JARREY, ses fils et leurs épouses ; ses petits-enfants ; M. et Mme Ian PURSLOW et leurs enfants, parents et alliés ont la douleur de vous faire part du décès de Monsieur Anthony JARREY survenu à son domicile le 2 novembre, à l'âge de 70 ans. Les obsèques religieuses auront lieu le jeudi 7 novembre 2013, à 15 h 30, en l'église de Castelfranc (commune d'Estampes) suivies de l'inhumation au cimetière de Castelfranc. Adresse du deuil : Estampes 32170 chemin Jacoutet "Mont d'Or". Le présent avis tient lieu de faire-part. La famille remercie par avance toutes les personnes qui s'associeront à sa peine
Roughly translated it says that
His wife Hilary, his sons Christopher and Michael their wives and his grandchildren and Mr and Mrs Ian Purslow and their children have are sad to annonce the death at home of Anthony Jarrey on the 2nd of November aged 70 The funeral service will be held at the church in Castelfranc on Thursday 7th November at 15h30 followed by the burial in the cemetery in Castelfranc.
The address for condolences is "Mont d'Or" chemin Jacoutet Estampes 32170 FRANCE